Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Worked/Bombed List

Two weeks down.

So far, they haven't realized I'm a normal human. :P
Just kidding, they love me! (Most of them)

I am the kind of person that has an insatiable need to move forward. I need to grow, I need to move, I need to get better.

I understand that it is my first year teaching, but I want to be the best I can be. It isn't my students' fault that it is my first year--how is that fair? How is it fair to them to ever say, "It is my first year so I will just..." Just nothing! These kids deserve to have the best, most expert individual to guide them. 

Contrary to belief, people do not choose to be put on this earth. Students cannot/do not comprehend the fact that they need to be educated to be successful. It is our job, as teachers, to show them.

/end rant.

What has worked/bombed so far:

  • Worked: students collaborating when you give them roles.
  • Bombed: expecting that they will read directions...HA!
  • Worked: using a web 2.0 tool for all class paperwork.
  • Worked/Bombed: (working on the kinks) having them google their grammar sentence and cite the website where they found the answer.
  • Worked: NoRedInk.com for grammar (OMG can not say how much I love it enough!)  NoRedInk Twitter 
  • Bombed: staying at work for 10-12 hours...speaking of that...


But I have this and this and this and this I want to do...ugh. 

Monday, August 18, 2014

First Day

Oh my goodness... 

The first day of the rest of my life.

 I taught for a few months on my own last year, but I took over for another teacher. It was her grades, her classroom management... Her vibes. 

This year, it's all me. 

And I couldn't be more...at home. I wasn't nervous this morning--which worried me. But I think I was over-prepared and totally ready. I kept saying: "It's not the first day you have to worry about... It's the days that follow". 

Dealing with tech issues and the different personalities in my class are what make it interesting. I wouldn't last if it was the same thing everyday. 

I want to thank everyone who has supported me on my path to help others. Whether you know it or not, you are vicariously helping others by providing me the supportive words, experience, knowledge, food, money... Definitely money but more than anything: patience. From Anthony who I couldn't always give my all to, to my parents giving me the room to grow, to my friends understanding that I wouldn't see much of them-- thank you. You mean more to me than you could ever know. 

The outpouring of support today from the distant corners of my life have made me realize how lucky I am to have so many people who care about me. I can only hope to be half as caring for the people in my life! 


Tuesday, August 12, 2014

21st Century Email Changes--HA!

UGH! I created a new blog because in this ever-changing 21st century world...I have a new email address and I no longer have the need for my old one. Because I didn't feel like changing over EVERYTHING, I thought, why not start over?
So...here I am! http://newteacherinsights.blogspot.com is now 21centuryreflections.blogspot.com.

This all started because I was trying to set up a physical twitter wall in my classroom and I wanted to put up my twitter handle. However, I did not want to put up one that is linked to my Facebook account--that is for my outside-school life. So I needed to change my twitter handle to one I wouldn't mind my kids seeing. Now I shall be known henceforth as @ms_spolarich woohoo!

This is the second day of planning week and already so much has happened. I am so excited to start my first (full) year as an ELA Teacher. Let's just hope these 8th graders don't kill me.
